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Departmental Staff
Head of Department
Mrs R. Donaldson BSc(Hons), PGCE
Subject Teachers
Mrs D. Hill BA(Hons), PGCE
Mrs C.Holland Bsc (Hons), Med, PGCE
Mrs C. Woollams BA(Hons), PGCE
Mrs L. Stevens BA(Joint Hons), PGCE
Key Stage 3
Year 8
Introduction to Geography
Map Skills
Northern Ireland
Year 9
Map Skills
British Isles / Ireland
Weather & Climate
Global Warming
Year 10
Map Skills
Rivers & Coasts
Population / Tourism
Key Stage 4 : CCEA GCSE Geography
This is a 2 Year course; boys will study the following topics:
Year 11
River Environments
Coastal Environments
Weather & Climate
Restless Earth
Year 12
Population & Migration
Changing Urban Areas
Contrasts in World Development
Managing Our Environment
Key Stage 4 : CCEA Occupational Studies; Environment & Society
This is a 2 Year course; boys will study the following topics:
Running a Leisure Centre
Horticulture: Caring for Plants & Flowers
Key Stage 5 : CCEA A-Level Geography
Over the course of two years, the boys will study the following topics:
Year 13 AS Geography
AS 1 : Fluvial Environments
AS 1 : Global Biomes
AS 1 : Weather & Climate
AS 2 : Population
AS 2 : Settlement
AS 2 : Development
AS 3 : Fieldwork
Year 14 A2 Geography
A 21 : Plate Tectonics
A 21 : Dynamic Coastal; Environments
A 22 : Ethnic Diversity
A 22 : Tourism
A 23 : Decision Making
Key Stage 5 : Year 13 & 14 Level 3 BTEC Travel & Tourism
The boys will study the four mandatory units listed below:
Unit 1 : The World of Travel & Tourism
This will develop the skills you need to examine, interpret and analyse a variety of statistics that measure the importance of tourism to the UK.
Unit 2 : Global Destinations
You will investigate the features, appeal and importance of different global destinations.
Unit 3: Principles of Marketing in Travel & Tourism
This will help you to develop a successful marketing plan for use by travel and tourism organisations to attract and engage with customers using research data.
Unit 9 : Visitor Attractions
Identify and explore the types of visitor attractions available, and how they meet visitor needs and expectations.
Assessment will take place with one examination element, one unit that has a task set by the awarding organisitaion and marked under exam conditions, and 2 units that are assignment based and assessed by the teacher.
Town Planning
Environmental Consultant
Travel Agent
Tourism & Hospitality
Recycling Officer
And Many More......
Career Paths
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