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Information & Communication Technology
Departmental Staff
Head of Department
Mr C. Lowe BA(Hons), QTS, HND
Subject Teachers
Mrs R. McConnell MEng, PGCE
Mr R. McKittrick BEd(Hons)
Mr J. Reaney BSc, PGCE, PGDip, MSc(Dist)
Subject Technician
Mr A. Sheridan BSc(Hons), CCNA
Key Stage 3
Year 8
Introduction to ICT & Google Suite
E-Safety (Cyber-bullying)
Cross-curricular project with MFL
BIOS (What's inside a computer?)
3D Design - Google Sketch-up​
Year 9
E-Safety (Social Networking)
Online Services
Multimedia Project - Powerpoint
Digital Graphics
Game Design - Scratch & Kodu​
Year 10
E-Safety (Sharing images)
The Internet
Web Graphics
Web Design
Databases – Theory & Practical
Key Stage 4 : BTEC Information & Creative Technology
BTEC Level 2 First Award. Over the course of two years, boys will complete the following units of work:
Unit 1 - The Online World (Compulsory/External Exam)
Unit 13 - Website Development (Optional/Internal Assessment)
Unit 3 - A Digital Portfolio (Compulsory/Internal Assessment)
This course is the equivalent of one GCSE.
Key Stage 5 : BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology
Over the course of two years, boys will complete the following units of work:
Year 13
Unit 1 - Information Technology Systems
​In this unit learners explore how computer hardware, digital devices, and software combine to form small and large scale systems. Learners' will develop an understanding of how Information Technology systems can be used in vocational contexts to solve problems and/or meet the needs of organisations and users.
Unit 6 - Website Development
This is a practical-based unit and allows learners to understand the principles of designing and creating a functional website and focuses on the design and development of a website to meet the requirements of a real-life scenario.
Year 14
Unit 2 - Creating Systems to Manage Information
This unit allows learners to study the design, creation, testing and evaluation of a relational database system to manage information. This unit is externally assessed through a controlled assessment.
Unit 3 - Using Social Media in BusinessThis unit allows learners to explore how businesses use social media to promote their products and services. Learners also implement social media activities in a business to meet requirements.
Assessment - This course is made up of both external and internal assessed units. In Year 13 learners will sit an external exam and complete one coursework unit. In Year 14 learners will undertake an externally assessed controlled assessment and one coursework unit.
Progression - Choosing to study for a BTEC Level 3 National Information Technology qualification is a great decision to make for lots of reasons. This qualification is a further step towards a career in the IT industry. The IT industry is an exciting and constantly changing one with a wide range of opportunities – from working in computer games development to working with robotic systems or supporting scientists in combating global warming. The opportunities are endless.
Career Paths
Web Developer
Graphic Designer
Game Designer
IT Development
Technical Support
App Designer
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