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Departmental Staff
Head of Department
Mrs V. McMahon BA(Hons), PGCE
Subject Teachers
Miss C. Reid BA(Hons), PGCE
Key Stage 5 : WJEC AS Photography (40%)
An extended, exploratory project/portfolio and outcomes based on themes and subject matter which are personal and meaningful to the learner. The enquiry must integrate critical practical and theoretical work:
The critical, practical and theoretical work will be assessed holistically, using the assessment objectives. Learners will be required to select, evaluate and present their work for assessment.
The Personal Creative Enquiry will be determined by the learner and teacher, assessed by the teacher and externally moderated.
No time limit: duration to be determined by the centre.
Key Stage 5 : WJEC A2 Photography (36%)
Consists of two integrated constituent parts:
A major in-depth critical, practical and theoretical investigative project/portfolio and outcomes based on themes and subject matter that have personal significance.
An extended written element of 1000 words minimum, which may contain images and texts and must clearly relate to practical and theoretical work using an appropriate working vocabulary and specialist terminology.
Both the practical/theoretical work and the written element will be assessed together using the assessment objectives. Learners will be required to select, evaluate and present their work for assessment.
The Personal Investigation will be determined by the learner and teacher, assessed by the teacher and externally moderated.
No time limit: duration to be determined by the centre.
A2 Photography Externally Set Assessment (24%)
A2 consists of two parts:
Part 1 : Preparatory Study Period
The externally set assignment materials are to be released to learners from 1st February (in the second year of the course) and will consist of a series of visual and written stimuli, which are to be presented to the learner at the start of the preparatory study period.
One of the stimuli is to be selected by the learner and used as a starting point from which to elicit a personal response.
Responses are developed during the preparatory study period. They should take the form of critical, practical and theoretical preparatory work / supporting studies which inform the resolution of ideas in the 15 hour sustained focus study.
Start and finish dates of the preparatory study period are to be determined by the centre, taking into account the May deadline for the submission of internally assessed marks to WJEC.
Part 2 : 15 Hour Period of Sustained Focus Work
The resolution of learner's ideas from the preparatory work must be completed during the designated 15 hours and they must show how their planning relates to the outcomes.
The period of sustained focus work must be completed under supervised conditions.
Centres determine the scheduling of the supervised sustained focus sessions, taking into account the May deadline for the submission of internally assessed marks to WJEC. Both the preparatory work and sustained focus work will be assessed together, using the assessment objectives.
Learners will be required to select, evaluate and present their work for assessment. The Externally Set Assignment will be set by WJEC, assessed by the teacher and externally moderated.
Possible Area of Study Include:
Photographing People
Photographing Places
Still-Life Photography
Documentary Photography
Experimental Imagery
Photographic Installation
Fashion Photography
Digital Imaging
Moving Image
Costume Designer
Sound Producer
Film Editor
Career Paths
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